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Power Plant Services

Combined cycle power plant lit up at night against a darkening sky

Tetra Tech delivers science-based, technology-driven solutions to support our clients with carbon reduction strategies, permitting and compliance, and facility decommissioning and redevelopment.

Tetra Tech’s interdisciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, planners, and policy analysts use our Leading with Science® approach to create customized, sustainable, and scalable solutions that support clients around the world in addressing today’s evolving energy future. Our services span the full power plant life cycle, including:

  • Evaluating and implementing carbon reduction strategies to increase power plant lifespans
  • Evaluating co-location of renewable energy on existing power plant sites
  • Developing permitting strategies
  • Assessing environmental compliance to support continued safe operations
  • Planning for the decommissioning and subsequent redevelopment of retiring power plants
Combined cycle power plant against a blue sky

Carbon Reduction Strategies

Tetra Tech is at the forefront supporting our clients as they adapt to carbon reduction mandates. We support clients around the world with strategies to employ zero-carbon and renewable fuels, perform plant optimization and management studies, and assess carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) feasibility. Our team is certified to California Air Resources Board standards and verifies that carbon reductions are achieved.

Engineer in hard hat and orange vest with iPad in front of power plant

Permitting and Compliance

Tetra Tech supports our clients with permitting and compliance strategies across a broad spectrum of environmental media to help fossil-fueled power plants continue to function safely and provide vital energy resources.

Line drawing of high rises and a multiuse development over a brownfield site

Facility Decommissioning and Redevelopment

When aging fossil-fueled power plants need to be retired, Tetra Tech supports our clients with addressing legacy environmental concerns and redevelopment strategies.

Connect with us. Reach out to our sustainable energy solutions experts.

Featured power plant services highlights

Collected LFG being flared during testing

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Landfill Gas Conversion

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